Tag Archives: Renovations

Cutting Wood - My Fantastic Maid

Even though dust is ever-present both inside and outside of a home, when renovations are in full swing, dusty conditions are often exacerbated and you’ll want to do what you can to minimize dust particles from blanketing your home. Whether a home is new or old, numerous substances can be stirred up when removing walls, refinishing floors, removing tile, or expanding living spaces. Homeowners who want to remodel with minimal construction debris floating through the air may find these proactive steps helpful. Prepare dust-containment plans. If a contractor is involved, it is often his or her responsibility to minimize dust. Do-it-yourselfers must make dust containment a priority. Protecting the floor and keeping the dust confined only to work areas can be achieved with plastic sheeting and other barriers. Designate an entrance and exit. The experts at This Old House say it is best to choose one doorway as the only…

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